Williston, ND (KEYZ) The Williston Parks and Recreation District has officially tapped a familiar face to be it's new executive director.

"I'm just excited," said Joe Barsh, following the vote Tuesday night by Park Board commissioners.  "Going into the process, I was just like any other candidate.  I was anxious.  I felt I was prepared."

A hiring committee whittled down a pool of seven applicants to two finalists including Barsh who was voted in, unanimously, by the WPRD board.

"I didn't want any of my interim work to give me any type of favor or bias," Barsh told News Radio.  "I wanted to interview professionally, and I wanted the work and the resume to speak for itself."

Barsh had been serving as the District's interim executive director since March 21st following the resignation of former executive director Darin Krueger.  Prior to stepping-in to the interim role, Barsh held the position of Director of Recreation and Facilities.

Barsh graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sports Management with concentrations in Philosophy and Public Relations from Gonzaga University.  He completed his master’s degree in Business Administration as well as received a graduate certificate in Athletic Administration from Southern New Hampshire University in 2018.  Barsh is also a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) from the National Recreation and Parks Association.


As for where Barsh hopes to take the WPRD during his tenure?

Through a release issued by the WPRD Tuesday evening Barsh said “I hope to establish WPRD as the primary resource for community members to address health and wellness needs.  I hope to work more closely with other community partners and resources to cater to the needs of [the] public more effectively.”

Though he is excited and thankful for the opportunity to serve the Williston community as the District's next Executive Director, Barsh will have little time to celebrate the accomplishment with less than two weeks remaining before the 2022 Babe Ruth World Series comes to Williston.

Good luck, Joe!

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