Graduation season will be here soon. For you that have seniors getting ready to walk the stage, you have a lot to get done. You might have friends and family coming to the area that has never seen some of the unique things to see and do. Western North Dakota offers a unique and authentic travel experience for visitors who are looking to explore the great outdoors, history, and culture of the area. Here are three must-see tourist attractions to consider when visiting our beautiful region for graduation parties, or your next trip to the Peace Garden State:
Layer Upon Layer

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Located in North Dakota's Badlands, this national park is named after the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, who spent most of his time in the area. The park has beautiful landscapes, hiking paths, wildlife, and colorful rock formations. Visitors can also learn about the park's history and the conservation initiatives that have helped to preserve this gorgeous landscape..
Ft. Union Trading Post

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site

This one is simple because it's just west of Williston. This location is a recreated fur-trading post that was founded in 1828. It was a vital trading post for American Indians, European traders, and early immigrants. Visitors can now tour the reconstructed buildings, witness demonstrations, and learn about the trade post's history. If you time it correctly, you might even witness a sunset like the one in the photo.
Chippewa Bandolier Bag

Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site

While this may be a bit out of the way for some, it provides visitors with an insight into the lives and cultures of the Northern Plains Indians who lived in the area for thousands of years. The site is near Stanton and includes earthlodge ruins, interpretive pathways, and a visitor center with displays and relics. Visitors can also learn about the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes' contributions to the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Western North Dakota offers a unique blend of natural beauty, history, and culture that is sure to captivate you when you get here. Whether you're interested in hiking, wildlife watching, or need to get away from those crazy family members, these three must-see attractions are sure to provide an unforgettable experience.

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