North Dakota Eateries With Most Health Code Violations In October
These 12 restaurants in North Dakota topped the list of having the most health inspection violations since our last check-in.
Even five-star restaurants and ones with three Michelin stars can get food violations. However, it's safe to say that Gordon Ramsay would have himself a time at these establishments.
We took a peek at the worst offenders in North Dakota and put them together to help inform you on where to grab your next bite.

Here are the places with the most state health inspector violations that you may hesitate before going to or revisiting:
Eagles Club
Harvey, ND
Violations: 8
3-302.11(A)(1) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food shall be protected from cross-contamination by separating raw animal food from raw RTE food and from cooked RTE food during storage, preparation, holding, and display. Eggs below RTE.
3-302.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages shall be identified with the common name of the food. Items in freezer labelled.
3-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Date marking with a 7-day shelf life is required for RTE, TCS food prepared onsite or opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours. Beef in walk-in cooler.
4-601.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: To prevent cross contamination, food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized after each use or at the prescribed frequency. Pizza oven.
4-903.11(A)(B)(D) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Kitchen drawer utensils shall be placed in drawer all the same direction so as to prevent contamination.
5-204.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A handwashing sink shall be located to allow convenient use by food employees.
6-301.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hand-cleansing soap shall be available at each hand sink
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink
Peaceful Valley Golf Course
Harvey, ND
Violations: 8
3-101.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: PIC discarded items that appeared to have molded.
3-201.11(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Homemade or home canned items shall be removed from the food establishment. Remove homemade devilled eggs.
3-305.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Items shall be stored six inches off floor. As discussed in August consult shelving to be installed shelving for storage areas to prevent storage on the floor.
3-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Date marking with a 7-day shelf life is required for RTE, TCS food prepared onsite or opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours. Leftovers, Caesars etc.
4-302.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: An appropriate test kit shall be provided and used to measure sanitizing solution concentration. To use quat sanitizer (QAC test strips needed)
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Drawer in fridge to be cleaned (see October inspection)
4-904.11(A)(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Plates coffee cup lids shall be inverted for consumer. Straws for consumer handling shall be individual wrapped or dispensed indivdually to prevent contamination
6-301.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Refill papertowels at kitchen handsink.
Stage Bar & Grille
McHenry, ND
Violations: 12
3-304.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Between uses, wiping cloths shall be stored in a sanitizing solution
3-305.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Pizza slices stored in walk in with half eaten slices. Food shall be covered, not stored with food that has been in contact with mouth. Discard pizza
3-501.15(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Cooling shall be accomplished by using shallow pans, separating food into smaller or thinner portions, using rapid cooling equipment, stirring the food in a container placed in an ice bath, adding ice as an ingredient, or other effective methods.
3-501.16(A)(1) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: TCS food shall be maintained at 135°F or above, except during preparation, cooking, cooling, or when time is used as a public health control. Discarded hot dogs
3-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Date marking with a 7-day shelf life is required for RTE, TCS food prepared onsite or opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours. dakota sandwiches, etc
3-501.18 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: RTE, TCS food prepared on-site or any opened commercial container that exceeds the 7-day time limit or when date-marking is not done shall be discarded. salads
3-501.19(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Written procedures shall be prepared in advance and made available to the regulatory authority that specify methods of compliance. Items such as cut tomatoes held on prep counter shall have written procedure use time as public health control or be held at 41 F
4-202.16 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces shall be free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. Walk in cooler wall beer lines smooth easily cleanable. Backsplash behind prep counter ssealed.
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Walk in cooler walls, thermometer in kitchen cooler shall be maintained clean condition
4-702.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: After being cleaned, food contact surfaces, equipment and utensils shall be sanitized. Reviewed 3 compartment sink with bar staff. Bar staff updated operation.
4-903.11(A)(B)(D) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Items stored on open air shelving shall be inverted. PIC corrected
5-203.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Handsinks shall be a number necessary for their convenient use by employees and not fewer then the number of handsinks required by law. Old sink broke. New portable sink must have hot and cold water.
DJ'S Tavern
Lincoln, ND
Violations: 14
2-201.11(E) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: An employee health policy shall be available to address employee illness reporting, restriction and exclusion.
3-101.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Container of food with mold like appearance discarded by PIC.
3-302.11(A)(1) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separating raw animal food from raw RTE food and from cooked RTE food during storage, preparation, holding and display. Raw bacon stored above RTE foods in cold holding unit. Raw hamburger moved below tomatoes in walk in cooler.
3-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Date marking with a 7-day shelf life is required for RTE, TCS food prepared onsite or an opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours. Items past expiration date; lettuce, alfredo sauce, No date mark for tomatoes or other sauce. Items discarded by PIC.
4-302.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solutions shall be provided. Two separate sanitizer test kits are required; pH paper, QT 40, for Quatenary sanitizer and sink and surface sanitizer test strips for kitchen.
4-502.13(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Jars shall not be reused for food storage.
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Windowsill, storage racks in cooler, areas around grills.
4-903.11(C) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Single-service and single-use articles shall be stored in a clean, dry location, where they are not exposed to splash, and at least 6 inches off the floor; boxes behind counter in pickup area.
6-201.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. Flooring shall be in good repair throughout the bar and kitchen. Flooring in the storage area requires immediate cleaning.
6-301.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hand-cleansing soap shall be available at each hand sink. No soap at handsink. Soap placed at handsink by PIC.
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink. No paper towels available at handsink. Paper towels placed at sink by PIC.
6-301.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A sign or poster that notifies employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and clearly visible. No handwashing signage at sink. Handwashing sticker provided to PIC; see published comments.
6-501.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Ceiling tiles throughout the bar shall be in good repair and/or replaced where missing.
7-102.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Working containers of cleaning agents and sanitizers taken from bulk containers shall be clearly labeled with the common name of the agent. Spray bottle and container of pink liquid in the mop sink area. PIC labeled chemicals during the inspection.
University of Mary Crow's Nest Campus Restaurant
Bismarck , ND
Violations: 8
3-302.11(A)(1) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separating raw animal food from raw RTE food and from cooked RTE food during storage, preparation, holding and display. Raw bacon stored above RTE food. Discussed with PIC.
3-304.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean protected location or in the food with their handles above the top of the food. Ice bin stirring paddles on top of bin.
3-401.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Fruits and vegetables that are cooked for hot holding shall be cooked to a temperature of 135°F. Pasta noodles cooked and rinsed with water at 110F in hot holding unit. Noodles placed in warmer to reach 135F.
3-501.14(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Cooked TCS food shall be cooled from 135°F to 70°F within 2 hours and from 135°F to 41°F or below in 6 hours. Soup cooked 10/31 in walk in cooler at 50F. Discussed with PIC. Items discarded.
3-501.15(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Cooling shall be accomplished by using shallow pans, separating food into smaller or thinner portions, using rapid cooling equipment, stirring the food in a container placed in an ice bath, adding ice as an ingredient, or other effective methods. Soup from 10/31 still at 50F. Use ice wands to promote cooling in soup.
4-703.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hot water mechanical operations shall achieve a utensil surface temperature of 160°F; Chemical manual or mechanical operations shall use a sanitizing solution prepared to the proper concentration. Mechanical dish machine in the allergen free kitchen is not reaching 160 degrees F. Use the sink to sanitize until hot water temperature of 160 F is achieved. Discussed with PIC.
5-205.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Handwashing sinks shall be accessible to employees at all times and may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. Dish room hand sink had a wiping cloth and food debris in the sink. PIC removed the cloth and shall clean the sink prior to use.
--Observation: Handwashing sinks shall be accessible to employees at all times and may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. Storage cart in front of the pasta station hand sink. Cart moved during inspection.
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink. Paper towels not available at the salad bar hand sink. Paper towels placed at the hand sink during the inspection.
Chino Latino / Steers Restaurant
Grand Forks, ND
Violations: 9
2-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Staff observed washing hands with incorrect procedure. Staff was educated and hands were washed properly. Employees shall use proper handwashing techniques at appropriate times and places
3-304.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Ice scoop being stored on freezer rack, unprotected. Use a proper method for stoarge of in-use utensils during pauses in food preparation such as in the food, clean and protected, under running water, or changing within 4-hour increments to prevent bacterial growth
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Walk-ins, dish shelving, sides/tops of equipment, under fryer, door handles of reach-ins found with accumulated food debris. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues.
6-201.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Floor carpeting on floor near back entrance door. Carpet shall not be installed as a floor covering in FOOD preparation areas, walk-in refrigerators, ware washing areas, toilet room areas where handwashing lavatories, toilets, and urinals are located, refuse storage rooms, or other areas where the floor is subject to moisture, flushing, or spray cleaning methods.
6-301.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hand soap missing in front prep hand sink. Hand-cleansing soap shall be available at each hand sink
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hand drying provisions missing in mens bathroom and drive thru hand sink. Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink
6-501.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Ceiling tiles missing. Ceiling tiles shall be repaired and/or replaced as necessary.
6-501.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hood filters found with FOG accumulation. Hood filters need to be cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation.
6-501.16 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Mops being stored in mop bucket. Mops shall be stored in a position that will facilitate drying.
Thors & The Old Mill Grill
Ransom, ND
Violations: 8
2-102.11(C )(17) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: The PIC shall demonstrate this knowledge by explaining how the PIC, food employees, and conditional employees comply with the reporting. responsibilities and exclusions or restrictions of food employees. See attached form.
2-501.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events. See attached form.
4-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A sink with at least three compartments shall be provided for manually washing, rinsing, and sanitizing equipment and utensils. No 3 compartment sink in kitchen area. Use dishwasher or disposables until installed.
4-601.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Food equipment not properly cleaned. Cleaned at time of inspection.
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. A general cleanup is needed throughout kitchen and backbar floor.
5-203.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Install an approved mop sink.
6-201.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. Repair floors, walls, ceilings and remove other wood surfaces in kitchen and walking cooler.
6-301.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A sink used for food preparation or utensil washing, or a mop/service sink may not be provided with handwashing aids or used for handwashing. Don't use 2 compartment sink for handwashing in kitchen. Employees started using correct sink.
Beulah, ND
Violations: 12
2-101.11(A)(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: The permit holder shall be the PIC or shall designate a PIC who is present at the food establishment during all hours of operation. Active kitchen manager is needed in kitchen - many issues within kitchen that need to be addressed.
2-301.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food employees shall clean their hands when required. Handwashing shall be done between glove changes, especially when going from working with raw to RTE.
3-305.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Large pool of liquid in beer cooler.
3-501.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Vacuum packaged salmon shall be removed from packaging when thawing - read instructions on package. (E)REDUCED OXYGEN PACKAGED FISH that bears a label indicating that it is to be kept frozen until time of use shall be removed from the reduced oxygen environment: (1)Prior to its thawing under refrigeration as specified in ¶(A) of this section; or(2)Prior to, or Immediately upon completion of, its thawing using procedures specified in ¶ (B) of this section.
3-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Date marking with a 7-day shelf life is required for RTE, TCS food prepared onsite or an opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours. meat in prep table without label. cut veggies in salad cooler have no label, cut celery and broccoli in walk in cooler have no date label.
3-501.18 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: RTE, TCS food prepared on-site, or any opened commercial container that exceeds the 7-day time limit, or when date-marking is not done shall be discarded. Prep table items: 9/19 garlic b, 10/1 alfredo, 9/26 diced chicken. Walk in cooler: 9/30 marinara, 10/6 taco meat, 10/2 pork belly, 9/13 ham.
4-204.16 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Beverage tubing cold plates in bar shall not contact ice that is utilized for beverages.
4-501.114 (A-E)(F)(1)&(2) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Sanitizing solutions shall be used in accordance with the EPA registered label-use instructions. Kitchen dishwasher not dispensing sanitizer. DISHWASHER SHALL BE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE AND DISHES MANUALLY SANITIZED!!
4-602.11(E ) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils contacting non-TCS foods shall be cleaned at any time contamination has occurred; at least every 24-hours for iced tea dispensers and consumer self-service utensils such as tongs, scoops, or ladles; or at a frequency specified by the manufacturer for ice bins; or in accordance with the Food Code. Ice dispenser in soda machine has slime buildup.
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Grime around beer tap drain, soda dispenser holders.
5-202.12(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Each handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100° F through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Hot water at kithen hand sink is turned off.
6-201.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. Tape on wall behind mop sink is not cleanable - area needs to be fixed properly.
B & B Hill Top Bar
Ross, ND
Violations: 8
3-201.11(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Homemade or home canned items shall be removed from the food establishment. Homemade enchilada sauce shall be removed. Owner removed sauce during the inspection.
3-302.11(A)(1) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food shall be protected from cross contamination by separating raw animal food from raw RTE food and from cooked RTE food during storage, preparation, holding and display. Eggs moved to the bottom shelf during the inspection.
3-304.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean protected location or in the food with their handles above the top of the food. Replace ice scoop storage container.
3-304.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Between uses, wiping cloths shall be stored in a sanitizing solution.
3-501.15(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food containers in which food is being cooled shall be arranged in the cold holding equipment to provide maximum heat transfer and shall be loosely covered during the cooling period. Tomatoes in container shall be uncovered during cooling. Cover removed during the inspection.
3-501.16(A)(2) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: TCS food shall be maintained at 41°F or below, except during preparation, cooking, cooling, or when time is used as a public health control. Storage area refrigerator food temperatures were 42 to 44 degrees F. Thermostat adjusted by PIC during inspection. PIC will monitor to maintain temperature of 41 degrees F or less.
3-603.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A consumer advisory is required for raw or undercooked food. Raw or undercooked egg shall be addressed with a consumer advisory. Submit menu for review prior to printing; foodandlodging@nd.gov.
5-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A toilet room used by females shall be provided with a covered receptacle for sanitary napkins.
Jimmy's Pizza
Stanley, ND
Violations: 8
2-201.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: An employee health policy shall be available to address employee illness, reporting, restriction, and exclusion; see published comments.
3-302.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages shall be identified with the common name of the food. Sauces in the preparation cooler shall be labeled to indicate contents.
3-304.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean protected location or in the food with their handles above the top of the food; flour bin scoop.
3-501.15(B) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food containers in which food is being cooled shall be arranged in the cold holding equipment to provide maximum heat transfer and shall be loosely covered during the cooling period. Ham was covered during cooling. PIC removed covering until the ham reaches 41 degrees F.
4-602.11(A-D ) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils contacting TCS foods shall be cleaned throughout the day at least every four hours; or in accordance with the Food Code; utensils and preparation surfaces. Pop nozzles shall be cleaned every 24 hours. Discussed with PIC.
4-903.11(A)(B)(D) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Cleaned equipment and utensils and laundered linens shall be stored in a clean, dry location, where they are not exposed to splash, at least 6 inches off the floor, in a self draining position, and covered or inverted. Forks in the dining area shall be inverted, handle presented toward the consumer.
6-303.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Walk in cooler lighting intensity shall be 10 foot candles. Lighting is too dim to properly view items stored in the cooler.
7-102.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Working containers of cleaning agents and sanitizers taken from bulk containers shall be clearly labeled with the common name of the agent. Spray bottles labeled by PIC during the inspection.
Sheyenne Bar
Sheyenne, ND
Violations: 8
2-201.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: An employee health policy shall be available to address employee illness, reporting, restriction, and exclusion. copy emailed.
2-501.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A food establishment shall have written procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events. Copy emailed.
4-302.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solutions shall be provided. None available.
4-501.114 (A-E)(F)(1)&(2) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Sanitizing solutions shall be used in accordance with the EPA registered label-use instructions. Need approved sanitizer. Sanitizer obtained at time of inspection.
6-201.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. Repair back bar floor.
6-301.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Hand-cleansing soap shall be available at each hand sink. Hand soap obtained.
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink. Paper towels obtained.
8-304.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: The permit holder shall post the permit in a location in the food establishment that is conspicuous to consumers, comply with provisions of this code, and notify customers that a copy of the most recent establishment inspection report is available upon request. Form will be emailed.
The Leader Bar & Grill
Stanley, ND
Violations: 9
2-201.11(A) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: An employee health policy shall be available to address employee illness, reporting, restriction, and exclusion; see published comments.
3-304.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean protected location or in the food with their handles above the top of the food. Ice scoop on top of ice machine requires cleaning. Store ice scoop on a clean surface or hook. Ice scoop cleaned during the inspection.
3-501.16(A)(2) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: TCS food shall be maintained at 41°F or below, except during preparation, cooking, cooling, or when time is used as a public health control. Kitchen refrigerator foods are 42-45 degrees F. PIC adjusted thermostat and will monitor to maintain a temperature of 41 degrees F or less.
4-602.11(E ) Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils contacting non-TCS foods shall be cleaned at any time contamination has occurred; at least every 24-hours for iced tea dispensers and consumer self-service utensils such as tongs, scoops, or ladles; or at a frequency specified by the manufacturer for ice bins; or in accordance with the Food Code. PIC cleaned ice bin deflector tray during the inspection. Drain ice, clean machine, and refill at the end of today.
4-602.13 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Filters above the grill require immediate cleaning.
5-501.17 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A toilet room used by females shall be provided with a covered receptacle for sanitary napkins.
6-301.12 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: Disposable paper towels or an approved hand-drying device shall be available at each hand sink. Paper towels placed at the bar and kitchen hand sinks during the inspection.
6-301.14 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: A sign or poster that notifies employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and clearly visible; Hand sink sticker provided to PIC for the men's and women's restrooms.
8-304.11 Explain Code Submit
Inspector Comments
--Observation: The permit holder shall post the permit in a location in the food establishment that is conspicuous to consumers, comply with provisions of this code, and notify customers that a copy of the most recent establishment inspection report is available upon request.
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