LOOK: Western North Dakota Through The Eyes Of An Oilfield Worker
I really enjoy putting an article like this together. I get to talk about Western North Dakota and let you meet some interesting people along the way.
This time, I get to introduce you to Tom. He is a pipeline operator for a pipeline company in the Williston Basin. This is the kind of job that is extremely demanding. Long hours, little sleep, and you have to remain focused. That said, Tom takes all this in stride and is able to have a little fun along the way.
Tom will tell you he is no photographer. The nice thing about all of Tom's pictures is they were taken with a cell phone. This proves that you can get some great shots without any training or expensive equipment. Cell phone cameras have come a long way allowing you to get some great shots as you just point and shoot.
When he was showing me some of his pictures here and there, I knew I wanted to share some with you. Let me take you on a brief tour through western North Dakota through the eyes of my friend, Tom Spezio: