20 minutes into my lunch routine today, the subject of more sunshine and nice weather came up. Let's face it. It's February, and we are not below freezing, and there is very little snow cover. As the conversation unfolded, we found ourselves talking about daylight savings time, and how it has become obsolete.

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Daylight Savings

It's the most wonderful time of the year...NOT! I hate giving up that hour of sleep. It's never a problem in the fall when we get it back, but boy is it tough when spring rolls around. Why do we continue to move the clocks twice a year? I think it's time to revisit this topic. Is all this necessary?


After I Googled the subject, I found this page talking about The Sunshine Protection Act. It's a bill introduced by Marco Rubio some time ago that would do away with Daylight Saving Time and the need to change the clocks. He has previously proposed it; the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 was its original name, and while it did pass the Senate, it was eventually killed in the House.

I mentioned it passed in the Senate, and had a ton of bipartisan support.

"Switching our clocks back and forth every year is a pointless exercise that robs us of daylight hours during the darkest time of the year. After passing with unanimous support last year, I hope we can get this bill across the finish line this Congress. Minnesota is ready to make the switch to permanent daylight saving time.” – Senator Smith


“Permanent daylight saving means more time in the sunshine and that’s something everybody should support. Changing the clock twice a year is outdated and unnecessary. I’m proud to be leading this bipartisan legislation with Senator Rubio that makes a much-needed change and benefits so many in Florida and across the nation. When I was governor of Florida, I was proud to sign this bill into law on the state level, and I will continue this effort in Congress. We need to get it all the way over the finish line this time. It’s time for Congress to act and pass this good bill today.” – Senator Rick Scott

If you're remotely curious about how Senator Rubio's bill reads, click here.

Is it time we quit this nonsense, and leave the clocks alone? I think so. What about you?

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