St. Joes In Williston Celebrates 72nd Mardi Gras This Weekend!
St. Joseph's in Williston is decked out and ready for one of their biggest fundraisers. The booths are in place, and things are ready for their 72 annual Mardi Gras celebration this Saturday and Sunday.
I remember this fun event from when I was a kid. I loved the game booths, and helped in the button making booth with friends that attended St. Joes. Last year, Dwight Richter said he found my name on one of the boards used to make the game booths. I vividly remember how many 12-packs of Coca-Cola I won too. It is a great event, and it's one that the community looks forward to each and every year.
On Saturday, January 28, the fun starts at 11:00am with the bake sale, the slushburger feed ($6.00) and cards of chance. The live auction begins at 12:00pm. A featured item to have your bid number ready for is the 2005 Dodge Durango 4x4 pickup donated by Ryan Motors.
If eating, playing cards and bidding at the auction was not enough, bingo starts at 4:00pm. Don't forget the game booths will be open until 7:00pm.
On Sunday, January 29, come on in for the roast beef dinner. Tickets will be available at the door, but you want to get there early so you don't miss out. They' will serve until 5:30pm, and take-out meals will be available.
- Adults - $12.00
- Seniors (65 & older) - $10.00
- Kids (6-11) $6.00
- kids (5 & under) free
- ALL TAKE OUTS - $12.00
Be sure to stick around for the cakewalk at 11:00am and check out the silent auction from 12:00pm-3:00pm. The game booths will be open until 4:30pm, and Elizabeth's Dance Expressions will perform at 3:00pm. There will be several cash drawings at 6:00pm.
This family friendly event has been going on for over 70 years. It's a great way to gather as a community, and it's a fun opportunity to raise some dollars for St. Joseph's Parish and school.