Fall Safety Prep To Start Now In North Dakota
Autumn has arrived! Where did all the time go? It seems like we were just knee deep in summer! The air is turning cooler, and we are seeing the fall colors in the trees already. Nice weather is still ahead, but we all know what is coming. This is the time of year to prepare for the colder weather ahead. When weather starts to get colder, we find ourselves spending more time indoors watching TV close to the fireplace. If you're like me, your furnace has already been on because of the cool mornings. It's the time of year to start thinking about safety with what keeps us warm.
Service That Furnace
Before the cold weather really takes hold, get a call in to your preferred heating and cooling company to check things on your furnace to make sure all is in good working order. They can make sure the fan motor is ready, and that there are no leaks.
Fireplace Safety
There is nothing like a nice warm fire on a chilly night. The crackle of the fire, and the warmth is unbeatable. Fireplaces are great, but make sure you have some sort of a fireplace screen in place to keep loose embers from escaping from your fireplace. A burning fire should never be left unattended, and you always want to make sure it is completely extinguished before heading off to bed.
Use Caution with Space Heaters
Space heaters have come a long way from the hot wires and loud fan I remember as a kid. They are still a practical way to warm up a cold room, but you still need to know how to it. Make sure you read the directions. Some space heaters require venting, so you want to make sure it is properly done. This is the best advice when space heaters are in use...you need at least three feet of empty area for safety.
Look Up Before Pruning Trees
If you have decided that your yard needs to be spruced up by trimming your trees, be sure to look up and survey the area carefully before you start. Make careful note of where power lines are located before you set up your ladder so that it is positioned away from them.
Clean Up Fallen Leaves
Keep your driveway and walkway clear of falling leaves. Wet leaves can create a hazard for pedestrians in the fall by making sidewalks slippery. Later in the season, snow may mix with leaves to increase the risk of falling. Homeowners should mulch or rake up fallen leaves and dispose of them according to local bylaws.
There is more to do, but this is a good start! Enjoy the fall season, and stay safe with all of these safety tips!