Budget Bonus and a Red Carpet Rollout . . . New School Year for Williston Heats Up!
Williston, ND (KEYZ) With the advent of a new school year in Williston essentially two weeks away, comes word that District 7's fiscal house is in very good order, especially for taxpayers.
"The millage for the '21-'22 year was 85 mills, and we are projecting a budget at 82 mills this year which is three less than it was last year," said Dr. Richard Faidley, Superintendent for Williston Basin School District #7 on the heels of school board members passing a preliminary budget Monday evening.
Faidley credits the projected boon for taxpayers to his administrative team's efforts to be "extremely creative and efficient" during the recent budget process which is also projecting a revenue surplus in 2022-'23.
"Our revenues are lining up with our projected expenses. At the end of the year, we're anticipating that we have some revenue left in the budget."
With any potential remaining revenue, Faidley hopes to address needs such as repairs and preventative maintenance for the district's schools.
A public hearing on the preliminary budget is scheduled for September 8 at the Williston Public Library.
Faidley says "the buzz is here" as District 7 prepares to welcome new teachers on August 11 with a Red Carpet Rollout
New teachers to Williston Basin School District #7 will be welcomed in grand style on Thursday, August 11, getting to walk the red carpet into Bakken Elementary for their first day of in-service before students return to classes on August 23rd.
"We treat that day as a very special day, to welcome people," said Superintendent Dr. Richard Faidley. "We make it a big deal because it is a big deal. 'Welcome to our family' is the message that goes out, and hopefully you'll stay here your entire career. That's what we want."