Here are 10 ideas hopeless romantics can give their significant others last minute on Valentines Day*

10. Actual Dynamite:  What better way to make sure the special day goes off with bang than a dozen long stem sticks of Trinitrotoluene, it will surely leave your significant other speechless.

9.  A New Snow Shovel:  Let them know you care and that they will now be able to go do some shoveling they have been slacking on with a brand new snow shovel.

8. What's In Your Pocket:  Who doesn't love spontaneity?  It could be a large wad of cash, an old receipt, or even some pocket lint.  The possibilities are endless!

7. 8 Track Tapes: Everyone loves something vintage to collect around the house, now you can add a little throw back flair with this retro gift!

6. A List Of Chores: Some people's love languages are Acts of Service, is that the love language of your valentine?  What a better way to find out then to give them a lengthy and vague list of things you need to get them done.

5.  Time To Themselves: Go spend time with your friends and let them have some much needed alone time.  All day long to wind down and have them draw a bath, while you go and tune up the band at the local watering hole with Skeeter and Murph.

4. Share Your Hobbies: Give a complete hours long rundown on how you can factually prove that the 1927 New York Yankees were in fact not the greatest baseball team in history.  They will love how passionate you are, and what is Valentines day without some passion.

3. Uranium-235:  With a half-life of 703.8 million years, it will surely demonstrate how committed you are in the relationship.

2. Clothes That Are Too Small: Let them know you care about their health and well being by letting them know you want them to be healthy and active so you can stay together forever.

1. An Empty Ring Box:  One of the most important aspects of a relationship is laughter, and what a better practical joke than an empty ring box.  It will make a memory you will remember for ever.

* - Do not do any of these.

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