Vector Control Back Out This Week To Combat Pests
The Williston Vector Control District is tentatively scheduled to conduct aerial and ground adulticide treatments across the entire District, including Williston, Trenton, Ray, Epping, and Grenora, between Friday, July 7 and Wednesday, July 12.
Treatments will take place near sunset, weather and conditions permitting. Citizens are reminded to please stay at least 300 feet away from a Vector Control truck while it is fogging. Updates, as they are available, will be posted to
Williston Vector Control uses Zenivex E20 for adult mosquito control treatments (adulticides), which contains the active ingredient Etofenprox. Zenivex E20 is a product approved for use in residential areas by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
To avoid mosquito bites, citizens are advised to take extra precautions when spending time outdoors during the hours of dusk to dawn. Wearing long sleeve tight knit shirts and long pants, limiting time outdoors during these times, and using a mosquito repellent such as DEET, Picardin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus are good actions to take to prevent bites. Citizens can help prevent mosquito re-population by eliminating standing water on their property.
For more information about Vector Control, visit their webpage.
- Empty, drain, or cover all things that can and may hold water. Areas of your backyard or porch may have spots where rainwater can pool. Barrels and trash cans tend to collect rainwater extremely well. Old tires, empty bottles, buckets, and other small containers can condense water vapor into tiny pools. Empty and drain all pools of water and cover them up to prevent more water from gathering.
- Maintain decorative ponds and ensure swimming pools are operating properly. If you have a small plastic pool meant to be used temporarily, make sure you drain all of the water and store it indoors when it's not in use. If you have a backyard swimming pool, monitor the chlorine levels, and keep the pool clean and the water circulating.
- Repair or prevent outside leaks. Plumbing that runs outside can be affected by exposure to the weather, resulting in minor leaks. Window air conditioners often drip condensation, which can pool on the ground. Dripping outdoor faucets also pool on the ground. Repair these problems to minimize water collection as much as possible.
- Change water collection pans for plant pots weekly. When you water your plants, the excess water will run through the soil and collect in a pan. If you have any outdoor plants, these collection pans are a prime location for mosquitoes to breed. Empty and clean the pans at least once a week; more frequently is better.
- Clean bird baths weekly. If you have a bird bath outside your house, the stagnant water is a great place for mosquitoes to lay eggs. Minimize mosquitoes breeding there by changing the water and scrubbing down the bath at least once a week; more frequently is better.
- Mow your lawn weekly. Mosquitoes aren't likely to lay eggs in tall grass, but they tend to sit in tall grass for rest and hiding. Keep your grass as short as possible.
- Eliminate or fill nooks, crannies, and holes. If you have a patio or a porch, there may be small crevices and openings that can harbor mosquitoes and their eggs. Trees on your lawn may have holes in their trunks where mosquitoes can rest and breed. If you can't eliminate the holes, consider filling them with sand.