This is one of those great stories you hear, and then want everyone to know about. Allow me to introduce you to Ashlee Williamson. Ashlee has been selected to represent the United States in the United World Games in Klagenfurt, Austria, June 16–25. Here is what makes this more special:. Ashlee Williamson has ties to Williston. Ashlee is the daughter of Wade and Audrey Williamson, and she lives in Minot.

Here is where things get fun! Wade graduated from Williston High School in 1989, and her grandparents are Herb and Avis Williamson of Williston.

Ashlee Williamson’s selection to represent the USA in the prestigious United World Games is a testament to her relentless dedication and exceptional qualities as a student-athlete. Significant obstacles, unwavering perseverance, and an unquenchable desire to succeed in both academics and athletics have all been present on her journey.

I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions, and here are a few things we talked about:


Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience

Ashlee’s path to success has not been without its hurdles. She candidly shares that her journey hasn’t been perfect, filled with both ups and downs that at times made her contemplate quitting basketball altogether. However, the feeling of defeat became a catalyst for her transformation. “One day, I was like, you know what, it’s time I work harder than I ever have,” she recalls. This pivotal moment led to a rigorous regimen of daily gym sessions and extensive travel across the US to gain exposure.

Qualities That Set Her Apart

What truly distinguishes Ashlee from her peers is her remarkable work ethic, steadfast dedication, and altruistic nature. “The qualities that set me apart from other athletes would be my work ethic, my dedication to accomplishing my basketball goals, and being able to use my skill to help others build their game,” she explains. Her ability to balance intense training with a genuine commitment to aiding her teammates’ growth underscores her unique leadership qualities.

Alyssa Reed Photography
Alyssa Reed Photography
Ashlee Williamson

Balancing Academics, Athletics, and Leadership

Ashlee’s ability to juggle academics, athletics, and leadership responsibilities is another cornerstone of her success. She views these elements as interdependent, essential for achieving holistic success. “In order to have successes, you need to be able to take the time and prioritize the important things you need in life. Student always comes first before being an athlete,” she asserts. This balanced approach not only bolsters her performance on the court but also solidifies her academic achievements, making her a well-rounded candidate for such a prestigious opportunity.

Facing and Overcoming Adversity

One of the most challenging experiences Ashlee faced was the loss of confidence. Overcoming this required a strong support system, consisting of family, friends, and coaches who provided balanced feedback and encouragement. This experience significantly shaped her character and leadership abilities, teaching her resilience and the importance of a supportive community.

Alyssa Reed Photography
Alyssa Reed Photography
Ashlee Williamson

Anticipation for the United World Games

As Ashlee prepares to compete in the United World Games in Austria, she expresses immense excitement about the international exposure and cultural exchange. “I am most excited to be able to play with and against people from all over the world, while learning about different cultures,” she shares. This experience promises to enhance her personal growth, offering her a chance to build lifelong friendships and broaden her worldview.

Fostering Global Understanding and Cooperation

Ashlee believes that participating in international competitions fosters global understanding and cooperation among student-athletes. “You get to experience and play against totally different types of people, cultures, and competition than what you’re used to,” she explains. This exposure helps athletes appreciate diversity and cultivate a global perspective, essential qualities in today’s interconnected world.

Alyssa Reed Photography
Alyssa Reed Photography
Ashlee Williamson

Emphasizing Leadership

Leadership is a critical aspect of Ashlee’s approach, both on and off the court. She aims to represent the USA by building strong connections with her teammates and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and supported. “Leadership is HUGE. It’s something not just athletes need, it’s something everyone needs,” she emphasizes.

Preparing for Cultural Exchange

Ashlee’s experiences as a student-athlete have prepared her well for the cultural exchange and diversity she will encounter in Austria. The opportunity to travel overseas and witness firsthand the places she learned about in school will undoubtedly make the experience more memorable and enriching.

Alyssa Reed Photography &
Alyssa Reed Photography &
Ashlee Williamson

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Ashlee aspires to continue her academic and athletic career at the college level while exploring the world and learning about different cultures. Her participation in the United World Games is not just a pinnacle of her current achievements but a stepping stone towards a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Ashlee Williamson’s journey is a powerful narrative of perseverance, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and students alike, demonstrating that with dedication and the right mindset, extraordinary achievements are within reach.

Let's get behind Ashlee and her family as she represents the USA in the United World Games in Austria. Congratulations Ashlee! Enjoy everything this experience brings your way!

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