The Williston Police Department has issued a warning regarding scam posts circulating on social media, specifically targeting the Williston Connections for Locals Facebook group. These deceitful posts claim that two girls are missing following the death of their mother and that a daughter of a local police officer is also missing.

The police have confirmed that these claims are entirely false.

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To safeguard yourself and others from social media scams, consider the following tips:

Verify Information

Always confirm the source of any information you come across. Official announcements will typically be made through verified accounts of local authorities, such as the Williston Police Department.

Be Skeptical

If a post appears suspicious or overly dramatic, it's essential to question its validity before sharing it. Scammers often exploit emotional stories to gain traction on social media.

Report Suspicious Activity

Most social media platforms have tools to report fake posts or accounts. Utilize these tools to help remove fraudulent content and protect your community from misinformation.

Protect Your Personal Information

Be cautious about sharing personal details in public forums or with individuals you do not know. Scammers can use this information for malicious purposes.

By adhering to these principles, you will be able to contribute to the upkeep of more secure online environment for everyone. Williston, be careful and watchful at all times! Always keep in mind that you should verify the veracity of material before disseminating it, and that you should report any questionable behavior in order to keep the community informed and protected.

Williston Police Department's K9 Division

Here are the dogs and their handlers that make up the K9 division of the Williston Police Department

Gallery Credit: Scott Haugen

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