North Dakotans tend to see ourselves as a hearty lot, wrought with independence and self-actualized determination.

That said, it make's it somewhat confounding that there is a call to be downright subservient to an employer who asks more and more of you without any consideration for your time or any more financial compensation for your efforts.

The expectation in the contemporary workplace is that workers should go above and beyond, giving up their personal time and health in order to help their employers succeed.

But this idea ignores the basic tenet that a job is a transactional relationship: workers give their time and talents in return for money and respect.

Especially in a right-to-work state like North Dakota, employment status is as delicate as a butterfly's wings, unless you are part of some massive conglomerate, which in and of itself holds a completely different basket of issues when it comes to employee value.

In a time where loyalty is a two-way street, quiet quitting, or, as it should actually be stated, completing one's job duties while not taking on any additional responsibilities that do not equate to a raise in compensation, is not only acceptable but frankly a wise decision.

Quiet quitting doesn't even mean that someone is quitting their job; rather, someone is merely acting their wage.

What may a Quiet Quitter do?

  • Decline to attend non-mandatory meetings.
  • Avoid any after-hours functions.
  • Not volunteer to take on additional work load without extra compensation.
  • Avoid idle water-cooler chit chat.
  • Ignore work emails and calls after their scheduled working hours.

Are there people who do less than they are asked to do, and are looking for a way out? Absolutely. However, someone who is doing the job they are hired to do should not be looked down upon.

As it happens, a lot of businesses see their staff as resources that may be used up rather than as priceless assets, forever dangling a carrot or waiving a stick without intending on ever using either one to keep an inflated bottom line.

Anticipating constant commitment in such settings, when employees are viewed as little more than cogs in the corporate engine, is impractical and, to be honest, unfair.

Employees are entitled to put their own interests ahead of slavish loyalty when it is not returned.

Setting reasonable limits and appreciating oneself are the foundations of quiet quitting, not indolence or apathy.

It's about standing up to being used or taken for granted. In a society where work-life balance is becoming more and more elusive and burnout rates are rising, protecting one's mental and emotional health should come before company demands for unwavering commitment.

Acting your wage also questions the widespread culture of overwork and exhaustion that afflicts many sectors.

Employees who refuse to join the rat race of never-ending sacrifice and effort convey a strong message that their humanity is more important than productivity measures.

Healthy work practices and a more environmentally friendly method of working can then result from this.

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Naturally, supporters of the "hustle culture," who contend that achievement necessitates unwavering drive and sacrifice, will never go away. However, only career accomplishments cannot define true success; it must also include personal happiness and well-being.

Quit quietly proclaims independence and self-respect rather than indicating failure.

Quit Quitting a job is a way to protect oneself in settings where workers are seen as expendable resources, not a violation of professional duties.

The work you are paid to do should serve as enough of an example of your qualities as an employee, not how much of your time and energy you are willing to give away to an employer for free.

The 8 Smells Montana Mosquitoes Hate The Most

Mosquito season is here and if you want to avoid Montana's most annoying pest, try wearing these 8 scents, which you can find just about anywhere.

Most of these can be found at your local grocery store.

Why do mosquitoes hate these scents so much? Most of them mess with the mosquito's sensory gland in its nose, which helps drive the pest off.

Story Source: Pest Pointers Website

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns




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