Keep the Grinch Away: Smart Ways to Toss Out Your Holiday Trash in ND
The holidays will be here soon, and you and your family can't wait to dig into all those presents! Have you thought about all the boxes and trash you will have around your house? Here's something to think about. Before you pile all those shiny boxes onto the curb, here’s a friendly reminder: thieves might be watching. Those flattened boxes advertising your new big-screen TV, iPad, or power tools are like a holiday shopping list for the naughty guys.
So, how can you avoid turning your driveway into a treasure map for burglars? Here are a few tips from the National Neighborhood Watch website to outsmart any post-holiday prowlers:
- Skip the Curb Parade Take your cardboard boxes directly to a recycling center or dump. Make sure your address isn’t visible on any packaging—no need to give thieves a roadmap to your doorstep.
- Break It Down… Literally Flatten those boxes and tear them into smaller pieces. Not only does this save space, but it also keeps anyone from guessing what was inside. A jigsaw puzzle of cardboard isn’t worth the effort to snoop.
- Hide the Evidence Place your holiday trash at the bottom of your bin, under layers of regular garbage. Out of sight, out of mind—and out of the hands of opportunistic thieves.
- Think Before You Post Remember, social media isn’t just for friends and family—thieves scroll through Facebook and Instagram, too. Avoid sharing photos of your new gadgets or posting your Christmas vacation pics until you’re back home. You don’t want to broadcast, “I’m not home, and here’s what I just got!”
- Watch Those Online Sales Selling old items to pay off holiday bills? Be careful what you list. Guns, TVs, or laptops for sale online can tip off crooks about what’s currently sitting in your house.
By taking a few simple precautions, you can make sure your new gifts stay yours and avoid landing on a burglar’s wish list. Stay safe, stay smart, and have a very Merry Christmas and a happy (and secure) New Year!
LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century
Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock
LOOK: What Christmas was like the year you were born
Gallery Credit: Stacker