Clean Williston Day is this Saturday and Free Landfill Day is May 27
Spring is here, and with it comes the annual ritual of cleaning and organizing. Did you know that it takes the average American four days and 19 minutes to completely clean and organize their entire home?
That will give you plenty of time to get ready for Williston's Free Landfill Day on Saturday, May 27! The day had to be rescheduled from April 22 due to weather conditions. You now have one additional month to kick your Spring cleaning into gear and take advantage of this opportunity to clear your clutter!
City of Williston's Free Landfill Day is Saturday, May 27 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The City Landfill is located at 5176 134th Ave NW, Williston. For any questions, call Josh at 701.580.1210.
* Household waste must be bagged
* Only 4 tires per vehicle
* All metal must be separated
* Batteries must be separated
* No Liquid waste
* No hazardous waste accepted
Don't forget the City of Williston’s annual spring Clean Williston event is scheduled for this Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. In the event of inclement weather, Clean Williston will be held on Saturday, May 6, and this change will be announced on the City of Williston's social media and www.cityofwilliston.com.
This year’s spring event is changing locations, moving from Davidson Park to the Williston Public Works facility. The annual event invites the public to volunteer to help beautify the City by signing up for a zone within Williston to clean. If you haven't signed up already, grab a zone and join us Saturday, April 29 at Williston Public Works and help keep Williston beautiful!
Sign up here! http://bit.ly/CleanWilliston
- Accomplished - 55%
- Motivated - 46%
- Energized - 42%
- Relieved - 36%
- Overwhelmed - 22%
Clean Williston 2023
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