Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022
7700 JD diesel combine.. $2500
Wolf Point.. 3 255 x 65R 17 tires... Goodyear Wranglers $50
outdoor life magazine 1956 1968 make an offer
inviting you to estate sale for Captain Willy White... 102 1st Ave West
woodworking tools..... bedroom sets
9am Friday to 3
Satruay to 3pm
want mid to late '80's Yamaha Bravo 250 cc...
770-0222 msg
dog kennel.... culverts... Chevy tailgate for '90 Chevy
portable transition lift, 8 ton
tonnel cover.. $100
100 pound propane bottle $100.... two gas tanks for boat $50 for pair
want place to park a pickup, inside garage....
701-770-7022 msg
Sidney.... treadmill, FREE.... Vitamaster...
motorcycle transport... $40
337-804-2657, Kent
Mr. Heater 125 to 170k btu $200.... want someone for temporary farm work...
new 8 x 12 storage shed... FREE! make donation to CMA..
2110 21 Ave west
turkey cooker FREE
want F11 Farmhand loader..
Thank you for all your calls to the trading post to keep it going for so many years. Please limit yourself to Three items per call, and three calls per week. No commercial ventures will be accepted. The Trading post does not accept listings for real estate, mattresses or guns and ammo. The Trading post runs weekdays 11:15 to 11:45. Our numbers are 701-774-0306 or 800-238-0306. If you have items to list and cannot make it during the show hours, feel free to message us on our Facebook page 660 KEYZ News Radio. Townsquare Media and 660 KEYZ News Radio are not responsible for the quality or state of any items purchased through listings on the Trading Post.