Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023
Alamo.....want 25,500 KW generator or 40,000 diesel generator.
Underwood... Lund... fishing boat, live well, trolling motor, Evinrude
GPS.... fish finder.... new tires on trailer.. $3500
will trade for factory car trailer or $3500 cash....
Williston..... want 10 or 12" post hole auger for Bobcat....
want pickled beets....
Williston.... 1998 Buick Park Avenue... 137,000 miles.... needs head gasket.
$700 obo... wood chipper... $200 obo
two Gator JD cart.... $10,000 and $12,000
Grenora... shed for sale.... 6' x 8'.... alley on main street, Grenora.... $400
want double wide tent...
apples, free
Crosby area... '85 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2 door car..... $800
16' aluminum boat... 40hp Yamaha motor.... steering wheel...
live well.... $2500 with trailer...
Williston.... Power Mower snow blower, 2 stage, 6 speeds... electric or pull start
406-697-2235 msg
welder.... 18" culvert.... 2003 Volkswagon Beetle.... $7500 obo...
runs and drives....
welding bed off a Dodge dually, $4,000
in Sidney...
Dickinson... Quick clean grain cleaner.... 7 tubes, 220 volt....
Die Hard 20 volt drill driver with battery and charger...
electric hospital bed.
Thank you for all your calls to the trading post to keep it going for so many years. Please limit yourself to Three items per call, and three calls per week. No commercial ventures will be accepted. The Trading post does not accept listings for real estate, mattresses or guns and ammo. The Trading post runs weekdays 11:15 to 11:45. Our numbers are 701-774-0306 or 800-238-0306. If you have items to list and cannot make it during the show hours, feel free to message us on our Facebook page 660 KEYZ News Radio. Townsquare Media and 660 KEYZ News Radio are not responsible for the quality or state of any items purchased through listings on the Trading Post.