Tuesday, July 11, 2023
10" table saw... Craftsman... $100 obo..
recliner.... tan, large size and rocker... $70....
Ray.... 4 tires off boat trailer... ST 185 80 r 13"... $15 each...
Dickinson ....want shop manual... 655 Massey Ferguson swather/windrower.. late '70s
Springbrook.... canning jars... jelly, pint, quarts and gallons
Super Glide... 5th wheel hitch... for Dodge Truck.... $1000 obo
can deliver....
Sidney...16' fiberglass boat and motor FREE.. come and get it!.... no trailer... pickup sprayer with 40' booms and 300 gallon tanks/pump
4 new 245 x 16 tires... $800 cash... small grass hay bales...
4 1100 x 22.5 tires $50 each used...
Thank you for all your calls to the trading post to keep it going for so many years. Please limit yourself to three items per call, and three calls per week. No commercial ventures will be accepted. The Trading post does not accept listings for real estate, mattresses or guns and ammo. The Trading post runs weekdays 11:15 to 11:45. Our numbers are 701-774-0306 or 800-238-0306. If you have items to list and cannot make it during the show hours feel free to message us on our Facebook page 660 KEYZ News Radio. Townsquare Media and 660 KEYZ News Radio are not responsible for the quality or state of any items purchased through listings on the Trading Post.