Thursday, July 13, 2023
Personal: I need the number of the party that offered ME, Earl, a doggy cart that'll pull behind my bicycle, so I can take my dog, Scooter for a ride.... I accidentally deleted your text message from my phone.
Williams County Farm Bureau annual meeting and supper..
Wednesday, July 19, 6pm at Davidson Park... Shelter #1
Fairview Old Settler's Re-union... Saturday
Divide County Threshing Bee & Antique Show, this week-end
Grenora.... big garage sale Fri & Sat 9a to 6p.... east of Lutheran church...
make an offer!
Blacktail dam area.... alfalfa to be bailed... square or round...
rummage/yard sale.... make a donation... 170 66th St. E... north of Spring Lake Park....
boat.... 2005 Lund fisherman... with 150 horse Merc engine... trolling motors... $18,500....
want furniture..... table & chairs, couch,
1981 14' Lund boat with 15 hp Mercury two stroke engine... $2000
1999 9610 JD combine... $25,000... with pickup head..
scraper head, separatly
want part for side delivery rake... wheel needed
2009 Yamaha 1900 .... $7000
Stanley.... Burmees ... mountain dogs... 8 week old pups...
west of Terry, MontANA... 3 wells springer spaniel pups... 9 weeks...
Fairview... 3 kittens... FREE
White Earth.... trolling motor.... Ultra Minnkota 36 volt.... new motor on lift and motor on the drive...
Belden... want 3 point grass feeder (on back of Ford tractor) want .22 magnum rifle...
1979 GMC 1/2 ton 4wheel drive pickup.... 4 wheeler ATV... Kawasaki
Thank you for all your calls to the trading post to keep it going for so many years. Please limit yourself to Three items per call, and three calls per week. No commercial ventures will be accepted. The Trading post does not accept listings for real estate, mattresses or guns and ammo. The Trading post runs weekdays 11:15 to 11:45. Our numbers are 701-774-0306 or 800-238-0306. If you have items to list and cannot make it during the show hours, feel free to message us on our Facebook page 660 KEYZ News Radio. Townsquare Media and 660 KEYZ News Radio are not responsible for the quality or state of any items purchased through listings on the Trading Post.