Winter Outlook

Brace Yourself: Old Man Winter's Comeback Expected In February
Brace Yourself: Old Man Winter's Comeback Expected In February
Brace Yourself: Old Man Winter's Comeback Expected In February
If you’ve been loving this unusually nice weather in the last week of January, good for you! Just don’t get too comfortable—Old Man Winter heard you were enjoying yourself and decided to do something about it. Brace Yourself: February’s First Week Looks Cold According to the National Weather Service in Bismarck, the first week of February is shaping up to be a real teeth-chattering experience. We’
National Weather Service Gives Expectations for the Winter in ND
National Weather Service Gives Expectations for the Winter in ND
National Weather Service Gives Expectations for the Winter in ND
The calendar says December has arrived, but it doesn't feel like it. As a resident of North Dakota, I love the nice weather...and all indications say it might stay around for a while. According to the National Weather Service's website, the long-range outlook indicates the mild temperature pattern will continue through a good portion of the winter. Tem...