MT Historical Treasure Sold on eBay: Impact and Consequence MT Historical Treasure Sold on eBay: Impact and Consequence Author of multiple historical books on Montana, stole and sold treasures on eBay. The history bandit has now been convicted and sentenced to prison. Abby CaseyAbby Casey
History Repeating: The Failed Secession Attempt In North DakotaHistory Repeating: The Failed Secession Attempt In North DakotaLearn about the history of secession in the US, including North Dakota's failed attempt in the early 20th century.Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
Montana Once Bragged About Being The Divorce Capital Of The U.S. Montana Once Bragged About Being The Divorce Capital Of The U.S. One may not think divorce would be the most appropriate issue to brag about, but over a century ago on this day, a Montana newspaper did just that. Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
How The Worst Person From North Dakota DiedHow The Worst Person From North Dakota DiedSit back, relax, and let's recount the tale of how Gordon Kahl, quite possibly the worst person from the Peace Garden State, was shuffled off the mortal coil.Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
The Worlds Last Extinction Level Originated In North DakotaThe Worlds Last Extinction Level Originated In North DakotaFragment of asteroid 66 million years old found in North Dakota may have caused extinction of dinosaursMicheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
What Are The Oldest Active Businesses In North Dakota? What Are The Oldest Active Businesses In North Dakota? North Dakota has several longstanding businesses that have stood the test of time, here are a few of the oldest businesses that are still active. Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
The History And Evolution Of Capital Punishment In MontanaThe History And Evolution Of Capital Punishment In MontanaDiscover the uncommon history of the death penalty in Montana, from hanging to lethal injection, highlighting significant cases since reinstatement.Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
The Dirty MN Secret Behind All Those Lilac Bushes In The CountryThe Dirty MN Secret Behind All Those Lilac Bushes In The CountryThere are two MAIN reasons we see so many lilacs growing 'out in the country'. Paul SheaPaul Shea
North Dakota Wasn't Actually A State Until 2012... Kind OfNorth Dakota Wasn't Actually A State Until 2012... Kind OfIs North Dakota a true state? Controversy arises over a constitutional oversight dating back to 1889.Micheal ReuterMicheal Reuter
Remembering One Of The Worst Natural Disasters In North DakotaRemembering One Of The Worst Natural Disasters In North DakotaOn June 20th, 1957, five tornados touched down in North Dakota.Andi AhneAndi Ahne