Best Road Trip Snacks – What Made Scott’s List?
I made a trip to Bismarck for a minor medical issue, and with any trip comes the basics...laundry and packing. Confirming appointment times. Hit the ATM. Gas up, and head out. That’s the normal stuff. Then there’s MY way! I did all all the basics, but a road trip for me is my time to break away. To put on the sunglasses, turn up the tunes, and pig out. Any road trip for me is all about snacks!
For any trip, you need to stay hydrated. I recommend several Coca-Cola's or Pacific Punch Monsters. Water is always a good choice too...but this is a road trip, right?
Now, let’s get to the good stuff! Sunflower seeds! Remember when the dill pickle flavored ones arrived? They’re good. But then bacon ranch came along. These are really good! The flavor is amazing, and it compliments both Coke and Monster drinks exceptionally well! Plus, it's bacon flavored.
If you need a break from the sunflower seeds, you can’t go wrong with Cheetos! The crunchy ones or the puffs. Both are great to break up the drive, and you get the cheese dust as an added bonus!
Finally, if you have a sweet tooth like mine, you have to add to the trip with chocolate. You can do any and all candy bars here...but my recommendation is peanut M&M’s. You get the chocolate, and a healthy kick from the peanuts. It’s all in how you look at things, right?
Remember, these are my recommendations, but there is a reason for my madness. Road trips are meant to be fun! High school sports are in full swing, and fans from far and wide will be driving to many games in the weeks to come. Grab a Coke and a bag seeds. Fill the ice water jug and bring the Doritos. Turn on the tunes, and enjoy the little things, especially the upcoming sports season and all the fall road trips!