
Online Reservations for Campsites at Blacktail Dam in Williams County Now Available; Kota Ray Dam and Epping/Springbrook Dam Coming Soon!
Williston, ND (KEYZ) It's camping season, and Williams County Parks is making it easier for you to secure campsites at another of its fine parks!
Williams County Parks launched online reservations Wednesday, June 15, 2022 for campsites at Blacktail Dam; online reservations for Little Egypt went live on May 20, 2022

ND Commerce Commissioner Resigning, Will Stay With State Part-Time
Bismarck, ND (KEYZ) North Dakota's Commerce Commissioner will resign his position at the end of the month to pursue a leading role at a global think tank.
Governor Burgum announced Wednesday that Commerce Commissioner James Leiman will step down from his job to become the chief development officer at the Institute for Economics and Peace, a think tank headquartered in Australia

Voters in Williston Give Mayor Another Four Years; Punch the Ticket for District 23 Republicans Headed to Bismarck
Williston and Bismarck, ND (KEYZ) It's four more years for Williston's mayor. Unofficial votes have Howard Klug winning yesterday's only contested race in Williston to retain the title of Mayor.
News Radio caught up with the re-crowned mayor as election results trickled in late Tuesday night for reaction to the win over challenger and political neophyte Vincent Finsaas

North Dakota Voter Turnout Reveals an Electorate Unmoved to Cast Ballots in the Primary
Bismarck, ND (KEYZ) Numbers released from the North Dakota Secretary of State's Office Wednesday, show voters were not moved to cast ballots in yesterday's primary, especially in Williams County.
The North Dakota Secretary of State's office is reporting that nearly 16-percent of eligible voters turned out for Tuesday's primary election

Williams County to Conduct Aerial and Ground Assault as Mosquito Season Begins
Williston, ND (KEYZ) Help is on the way to help combat flying pests in the area.
The Williston Vector Control District is tentatively scheduled to conduct aerial and ground adulticide treatments for all spray blocks in the cities of Williston, Ray, Grenora, Epping, and Trenton from Wednesday, June 15th through Sunday, June 19th

Minot Native Crowned 2022 Miss North Dakota
Williston, ND (KEYZ/KX News) Congratulations continue to pour in for a Minot woman crowned Saturday night as the new Miss North Dakota.
Miss Sidni Kast won the title after competing against 12 other contestants in the event held annually in Williston

City of Williston Launches All-Call for Artists for New City Banners
Williston, ND (KEYZ) Williston is taking another step in the development of its Cultural Corridor along 4th Street West, downtown. With new trees planted, new lighting installed and cracks in the sidewalks fixed, now the city is seeking artists to design banners to adorn the corridor connecting Recreation Park, the James Memorial Art Center, and the Old Armory

TrainND Lands Nearly $2 Million in ARPA Funds; Plans to Expand CDL and Crane Training Programs
Williston, ND (KEYZ) Nearly $2 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds is coming to TrainND Northwest through the U.S. Department of Commerce to expand two workforce training programs. TrainND was notified of the grant award on Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Williston Man Dies in Motorcycle Crash North of the City
Williston, ND (KEYZ) A 24-year-old Williston man died Monday morning after a motorcycle crash north of town.
The man was driving a motorcycle on Williams County Road 6 toward the Love’s Travel Center when he struck a Chevy Silverado driven by a 63-year-old man from Stanley. The

Friday, May 27th Trading Post
1997 Camero 30th Anniversary EditionKomatsu Crawler/Dozer D4701-898-1876
Wants parts for a 1983 Honda Goldwing GL1100Tools and toolbox701-648-0534
For GIVEAWAY: 3 guinea hens and rabbits (New Zealandsand Lionheads)701-570-2538
Wants seed rollers for a John Deere air seeder grain cart701-570-3983
Wants raspberry plants or rhubarb plants in Williston area701-770-1349
Farm diesel tank with pump (est